Sponsorship opportunities are available at our flagship annual fundraising event LymeAid®, our Distinguished Speaker Series, or other events, and we are excited to talk with you about our unique demographic of guests. If you are interested in learning more about sponsoring LymeAid please contact us at info@bayarealyme.org

We are thankful to the many organizations who have helped support our programming, events and fundraising efforts over the years. Below are the sponsors from our 2021 programs:

LymeAid 2021 Sponsors


Lyme Product Supporters

We are honored to have relationships with these organizations who help fight Lyme and tick-borne diseases, and/or educate people about how ticks vector pathogens through their products and activities:

TickKey – tick removal device, effective in the safe removal of all types of ticks from people and animals

Sawyer Products – manufacturer of Permethrin, a proven application for clothing that kills ticks on contact

Insect Shield – manufacturer of clothing already treated with Permethrin to prevent tick and other insect bites

Tick Tock Naturals – offering a DEET alternative insect repellent

Giant Microbes – educational and fun giant, plush organisms and cells

TickEase – tick removal tool that removes ticks of all sizes

We have additional events during the year where sponsorship opportunities are available, like our regular Distinguished Speaker Series. Please email us at info@bayarealyme.org if you are interested in underwriting any of our other ongoing public events.

Please sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about ticks, tick-borne diseases and Lyme disease.